Gemalto IDBridge CT30: CAC Reader [Updated 2020]

Are you looking for a dependable CAC Card reader that can not only read your card, but make edits to it as well?

Then perhaps, you should look into the Gemalto IDBridge CT30. It’s a sturdy, little reader that can easily supply any and all of your CAC reading wishes and provide edits as well. Mind you, this reader is not a full blown CAC writer! If you’re looking to clone cards or create brand new ones from scratch…this is not for you.

However, that doesn’t mean you should overlook this choice. Most of you aren’t actually going to be writing or cloning (or even editing for that matter) your CAC.

One great feature that the Gemalto IDBridge CT30 has that we like is the non-removable cabling. This may seem simple, but… How many times have you accidentally unplugged your reader from a loose connecting cable? With the non-removable cable, you can guarantee that your accidental disconnects will grind to a halt.

Another thing we really like about this CAC reader is that it’s transparent in design. It doesn’t do too much for the operational capacity, but it does look pretty neat.

SCROY IDBridge CT30 USB Smart Card Reader Writer CAC DOD ID Army Military Government Corporate Medical eID Contact Chip IC Common Access Card Gemalto Thales
  • Innovative transparent design to highlight the card
  • Maximum usability and reliability with non removable cable, preventing reader unplugs
  • Compact and lightweight to optimize shipping expenses on large project deployment, fitting in a standard postal envelope size
  • DOD Military CAC USB Smart Card Reader for Government ID, National ID, ActivClient, AKO, OWA, DKO, JKO, NKO, BOL, GKO, Marinenet, AF Portal, Pure Edge Viewer, ApproveIt, DCO, DTS, LPS, Disa Enterprise Email etc. CAC Cards
  • Supports all OS: Windows 7, 8, 10, Linux OS, Apple macOS X

Frequently Asked Questions about the Gemalto IDBridge CT30

What Operating Systems is It Compatible with?

TheĀ Gemalto IDBridge CT30 is compatible with just about every OS available. It works well with older versions of Windows (backdated to Windows 7), Mac, and even Linux.

What Cards can the Gemalto IDBridge CT30 Read and Write to?

The reader can manipulate all ISO 7816-1, 2 , 3, 4 microprocessor cards with T=0 and T=1 protocol.

Is the Gemalto compatible with Raspberry Pi?

Absolutely. You just need to make sure that you have installed the proper drivers.

Does this reader come with attached drivers and software?

Unfortunately not. You’ll have to ensure you have downloaded the proper drivers and certificates for your purpose.

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